Improving the School Environment

 High Arcal School 
(Ian Dixson)

A five week unit of work undertaken by Y7 pupils.

  • Background - what are the benefits of environmental improvement.

  • Pupils walk the area of the school site selected for the project.

  • Draft plans are prepared and costing are found for individual items such as benching.

  • Maps copied from Dudley GIS into TextEase and symbols added to locate improvements.

  • A cost model is completed to a budget limit of £2000.

  • Extension activity to examine Aerial photographs and re-touch photographs to show proposed improvements.


Local Map symbols for use with Textease.


Main Activity


Extension work

Working with GIS maps within Textease.

Select the map are within Dudley GIS - right click 'copy the selected map area.

Open TextEase and Paste the map onto the blank document.

Select the map area and click tools 'Lock to Page'. this will make the map image behave like a background image.

Drag symbols from the clip art library to represent the improvement design. Note the need for the Local maps symbols to be added to the school TextEase clip art library.


Spreadsheet Activity

Extension Activity